Crap in a box

Helo (to be confusd with halo, my favorite game) my name is Jeremy and iam (also the name of my tenth brother) here to tell you this story of the crap in the box. Thiz truly happend and trust me i never lie becoz my mother told me so.
Once i had a time where I hadnt to learn (thiz is very speshial becoz i always do or else i woldnt be an straight F student) so i thougt to myselve: why dont i buy this ultra c00l new innovative game called "Call of Shooterking: rotten shit laying on the streets" wich everybody is playing right now. Some peplo told me its a chore to open the gaming box but fuk it. it would be a shame if i woldnt tri this mastapeice by myselve. So i asked my mum if she cold buy it for meh and she agred (of corse she did, im coler than most kids in my age). She came back and i scremed: Give me the game you whore then bow down and kiss my stinking feet. She didnt do it then i slaped the bitch on her head with my stinking hand. Then i said ok and she answhored my dear s0n never complainin and alwais frendly.
I closely looked at the gaming box. It looked so fabolos i coldnt wait to open it and install it on steam. I haf got the fastest internet in the h00d so i wouldnt need to get throug the chore to open the box but i need the steam key. So i slammed it open with my Burmese produced hammer and it craked open with a disguistin smell. I fell unconcious and landed on a dream woarld. I thought: C0l but then I have seen a monstros pile of shit on a stick which consisted of a giant brick wich would be only openable with a trick being drunken hick called rick. So the trick was a person called rick. 12 weekyears ago i herd about thiz trick and i thougt c0l because i herd it was the meaning of live hidden in the shit of brick. so i called my second brother rick becoz he was a drunkard and they now how this shiz works so he came out of nowere and opened the shitbrick. in there was a letter wich was sp00ky and led me posting this crappypasta. It said: ure in my world now that you have opened the shizbrickz, u can plaay the gaim and haf fun.
I saw my r00m which looked like a h00kers club. I have seen my secret CDKEY wich was 1234-5678-9101-ANUS but tell n00ne.I startet upp the game and i thougt awes0me bec0z call of sh00terking was my favorite game tril0gy. then the game said: go out infront of ur hausd00r and l00k at ze streets. I did so and haf seen the giant shitbrick again wich looked now like someon has taken a huge piss on it. then the rotten stentsh knocked me to des but bevore al of thiz i wrote the store.